19 May 2008

art in real-time

so, we live in an interesting time. its bad enough that we blog in real time about events from hotel wifi connections while we nurse the sunburn and mosquito bites from earlier in the day. but when you're teasing your contemporaries with incredible shots like the one of Zinn here, its just plain abuse of technology!

zinn and i started planning this trip down to the Outer Banks in North Carolina a couple months ago and i really wanted another photographer, billy monday to come along with us. the chance to collaborate with other photographers always proves to be inspirational. and billy probably would have brought another model with him that i was really looking forward to working with. but alas, for various different reasons, billy couldn't make it and i was disappointed, to say the least.

however he asked us to keep him informed on how things were going and said he would have to experience the trip vicariously through us. so, we continued to goad him to come down by sending him shots like this:

his only response was, "Man, that hurts...those shots are beautiful! Have a beer for me, but don't stay up too late..." we laughed with the delight of getting such great stuff and rubbing it in without him. but the goal was really to encourage him to drop everything and join us, regardless of the obstacles. these photos are obviously fully edited on my laptop while sitting in our cozy efficiency in Cape Hatteras, NC. its a wonderful place, really, to shoot art nudes. you can find seclusion if you really look for it. and surrounding yourself with new environments really keeps the creativity flowing.

but the real-time feed back provided by all this technology is amazing. we're posting completely edited photos of our work here to community sites before we even get back. getting the satisfaction of sharing the amazing adventures we're on long before we even get back home. so, we'll see you all when we get back home, but you'll already know where we've been.


1 comment:

Lela said...

Aww man!!

I think you're making ME jealous too!

Gorgeous images Scott!! Just incredible!

Safe travels home!